Entries by Christian

Buzzword Trends Roundup

Every year has its share of new buzzwords; a few smart ones are encompassing very relevant complex concepts in a catchy way but the vast majority of them are pompous, inefficient and usually used by questionable marketers trying to impress and confuse clients and prospects alike.


A Few Reasons Why You Should Consider Hiring A Gamer

According to Symantec’s chief operating officer and level 70 paladin, Stephen Gillett, being a World of Warcraft guild master is an exercise in leadership as his duties and responsibilities include: organizing dungeon raids, which requires mobilization of hundreds of guild members, managing the guild’s virtual finances, as well as recruiting key talents the guild needs in order to prosper.

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In The Middle Of The Crossfire‏

On August 28th 2014, over a dozen articles were published by gaming magazines with titles that can be summarized as “Gamers Are Dead.” On that same evening, I sent an email to Ben Kuchera, the Senior Editor of Polygon, one of the magazines that attacked gamers the most vehemently, hoping that a journalist that I didn’t know too much about, but liked his articles, could voice the concerns of gamers who were caught in the crossfire of trolls harassing people on one side and a group of radical ideologues on the other.

Why Marketers Love To Hate Google

The Key to Understanding Google’s Robots It’s virtually impossible to avoid using Google as part of any marketing strategy. But as every business that uses Google knows, the rewards to be reaped from its services are huge yet dealing with the technology behemoth can be absolutely infuriating. This frustration with Google often reaches its crescendo […]

Make No Mistake (A Typo Can Increase Leads!)

When optimizing a website for organic search there are several things to consider: 1. What keyword terms would ‘you prefer’ that your prospects type to find you? 2. What keyword terms are your competitors chasing? 3. What keywords have a high-ranking value or are trending? 4. What keywords and phrases are your prospects actually typing […]