The Big Present and Timeless Classics
Every Christmas needs that one standout gift that steals the spotlight, the kind of present that sets the tone for the holiday. Pairing this centerpiece with video games, with their compelling stories and rich worlds, are perennial favorites, proving that some classic gifts never lose their charm.
Bringing Ideas to Life in Multi-Colors
The Kobra 3 is a fantastic tool that transforms ideas into physical reality, layer by layer by making 3D printing accessible to hobbyists. What truly elevates this printer, though, is the ACE add-on which allows seamless transitions between different filament colors in a single print without the need for manual assembly or post-processing.
Hours of Immersive JRPG Wackiness
Video games have long been a staple of Christmas gift-giving, and for good reason—they offer endless entertainment, immersive storytelling, and a chance to escape into new worlds. JRPGs, in particular, stand out as exceptional gifts because of their incredible value in terms of playtime and depth.
The Weird and Geeky: Unexpected Surprises That Delight
The joy of Christmas is amplified by those unexpected gifts—the ones you didn’t know you needed but somehow fit you perfectly. These out-of-the-ordinary gifts surprise and delight, showing that the unexpected often leaves the biggest impression.
Blending Two Creative Worlds
Combining the creative spirit of Minecraft with the hands-on fun of Lego, this set stands out as a unique and unexpected gift. It offers the perfect blend of nostalgia and imagination by recreating one of Minecraft’s most iconic features.
A Sleek Way to Manage Bitcoin
This multi-sig hardware wallet offers a very user-friendly experience and first step towards financial independence for everyone. It is the easy-to-use and safe bitcoin wallet for people afraid of technology.
For the G.I. Joe Fan Who Thinks Outside the Box
Though G.I. Joe action figures were missing from this year’s haul, the Marvel Legends and Valaverse lines more than made up for it.
Hard-to-Find Marvel Legends
With a lineup featuring multiple Black Widows and rare, hard-to-find figures, these action figures bring diversity and fitting additional characters to any G.I. Joe diorama.
Budget Friendly Fan Favorites
This set, when on sale, is a gift for fans. Silk is a highly sought-after character, and pairing her with the classic Spider-Man villain Doc Ock makes this a standout addition to any collection.
Valaverse Troop Builders
Valaverse took the spotlight this holidays season with a generic lineup of re-issues and unique exclusives, including the Breast Cancer Awareness Steel Brigade Trooper and the amazing Eclipse Warpath.