The Smart & Stylish Ones
Sometimes you want to watch good movies that make you think while being compelling and a feast for the eyes, these are the ones I usually go to when I am in this kind of mindset.
Tickling the Funny Bone
When I want a brain break, I put on one of these comedies; most of them are worth more than the sum of their parts and often blend different genres together.
Indecent Scary Movies
I don’t hide that I love slasher movies and films that can increase the tension and offer chilling thrills are always some of my favorites.
Underrated Hidden Gems
There are so many movies that have either a bad reputation or that have never met their audience; here are some of the ones that oozes the care and love from their director and the people involved with the production.
Comfort/Junk Cinema
I like all kinds of cinema and popcorn movies and brainless big blockbusters are always a convenient choice.